Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Home Automation Installations Trainer

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Trainer designed for the study of automation electrical installations in home and buildings. It allows the study of the security, the energy management, the comfort, the communications, etc. Frame with anodized aluminium structure, on which the modules of domotic elements have to be fitted.
Modules allowing a quick, easy and secure installation of the domotic elements , without having electric risks.
Use of the EIB ( european bus “ instabus”) installation system. If foresees the use of a programmable logical controller, integrable on the EIB bus.
Connection between the different modules through some connections ready for such purpose.
Programming software for the programmable logical controller, and instabus.
Modules included:
Power supply module, coil and data interface.
Lamp-holder module. (2 units).
Binary entry module.
Binary output module.
Switch-pushbutton module.
Dimmer module.
Module: thermostat, quadruple push-button and presence detector. (Multifunction module).
Logical module and scenes.
Blind module.
Tactile vision module.
Telecontrol module.
Programmable logical controller module and EIB module.
Double push-button module, infrared detector and display/actuator.
Cables and Accessories for normal operation.
This unit is supplied with several manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance & Practices Manuals.

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